Spring 2018 Showcase

The naming of these Showcases always strikes me as being a little ironic. The idea of four equal seasons is something that sprang out of temperate Europe. Not only is the concept reversed in the temperate zone of the Southern Hemisphere, there are so many parts of the world where such seasons are unknown in any equivalent form. Rains or winds or droughts mark the changes of the year, and some parts don’t seem to change at all.

And then there are periods that transgress the seasons’ expectations. Here in Scotland we have passed the spring equinox and the clocks are now registering ‘British Summer Time’. This week we will have snow. Enough said. The Clerk of the Weather is having trouble with his spreadsheet.

I know how he feels.

1We have some interesting material for you this time. Contrasting visual images – Larry and Debbie Strange’s vividly-coloured haiga, for example. The featured illustrations in this Showcase are different again. They are from Angie Stevens, whose daily cartoons of her domestic life in Wales, under the nom-de-brosse of Doodlemum, have been delighting her fans for several years. We have been watching her family growing up, her eldest daughter on the cusp of being a teenager, her second daughter following fast, her son no longer a baby, her hens laying, Bonnie their dog constantly bewildered by life, Arnie their cat (totally zen!) now fighting diabetes. The illustrations I have picked are from amongst her earlier work – there is an ‘instant’ quality to them, they are doodles, very much of the moment that they capture. Please visit her blog for more up-to-date images.

And of course we have words. Why wouldn’t we. We have some new ‘names’ – keep them coming, wordwainers and picturewainers!

Marie Marshall,
the zen space.


Marietta McGregor


on the nest’s edge
a bit of shell
graduation day


children in line
jump off a jetty
holiday heatwave


scenting a park
baby strollers


cold butter
on Norwegian biscuits
thawing pond


on a white sasanqua
early moonset




Peter Jastermsky


breaking dawn
the silver streak
of a snail


old songs
a wrinkle disappears
with each line

mourning dove
a last flight
over the house


winter night
the depth of
an empty cup

first light
a pillow tells
of its travels


classroom window
before the bell
one more dream




Joe Dean


Palms open fingers spread
Serenity offered
The mind now awake


Palms open fingers spread
Movement mirrors stillness
Reflections of now


Debbie Strange


a hard frost 350 dpi


circus tent 350 dpi-1


rainforest 350 dpi


vision test 350 dpi


Tiffany Shaw-Diaz


the road
most travelled


letting go
of the dream


Bodhi Tree
my breath
takes root


a hint of sun
lights the earth


before I finish
this haiku




Diarmuid Fitzgerald


seagull relieves itself
on a car bonnet
no longer black


a white dandelion seed
on its mission


weeks after
mowing the lawn
a surprise of bluebells


on the hill
a tree bright with sun —
translucent leaves


vigorous sounds
from the young couple next door —
wind stirs this night




Matthew Caretti


African spring
the hotel pool
half full


jacaranda blooms
the purpling of
my shadow




Milk Without Honey5



Do Cows
get excited?

Their knees
don’t look
like they can

handle all
the jumping.



People also ask:
Do ants eat each other?
Do ants make a sound?



They weren’t cows
inside. They were

waiting to be, but
they forgot. Now

they see sky, and
they remember

what they are.




Joyce Lorenson


apple blossoms
again the bubbling oracle
of an orchard oriole


pond thaw
cattails bent
with blackbirds


spring’s fragrance
on tension wire
phoebes face off


uncharted clouds
the sparrow hawk appears
and disappears


sunny pastures
far from the sea
a killdeer feigning


territorial margins
audaciously red
cardinals collide



12Whenever you get in touch with any of the people or publications in the news, please mention that you were alerted to them by the zen space. Thank you.


Don’t forget to visit the cherita – the site is updated regularly with new delights, thanks to editor ai li.

Here at the zen space we’re well aware that we are out-of-phase with so many good web-based publications (such as Shot Glass Journal at Muse-Pie Press), which makes this ‘NEWS’ section sometimes a celebration of ‘old news’. However, please keep us informed by email of anything that’s happening in the world of rapid-fire, short-burst poetry, and we’ll gladly pass it on.


The next Showcase at the zen space will be Summer 2018 which will be released, subject to karma, on 1st July 2018.

Please note that the copyright of all written work and images used in this Showcase and elsewhere in the zen space is held by the creating author/artist, even when not explicitly stated, and may not be used elsewhere without permission.


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