Winter 2023 Showcase

Sunsets are more beautiful than dawns. I assert that boldly. Maybe that is because, for many of us, our day’s work is over and we have time to stop and look. Many an evening I have neglected a favourite TV programme or the next chapter of a book just to watch until I can no longer see the back-scatter of sun on the near-horizon clouds. I appreciate the wealth of the day when it is fully realised.

That is why I announced that I wanted jisei – life’s final poetry – in this Showcase. I didn’t really get what I asked for. I got what I got. Oh, there are late October suns, days, dawns, whatever… and do you know what? That’s fine! The wonderful thing about haiku and in-the-moment poetry is that they bring the wealth of the moment in which they were conceived.

I am still looking for new talent to keep the zen space going, by the way. That includes new artwork. This time round, having received nothing, I have gone with images of sunsets. You know why…

Marie Marshall


the zen space

Apology: The vagaries of the platform sometimes create typesetting/formatting problems. In the following Showcase, WordPress has caused some of the spacing marks to show up, despite my having taken all the right steps to correct this.


Ellen Woods


sitting close to you
listening to Vivaldi
heat steams rainy panes


flat tire halts movement
you step in to fill the need
I’m dizzy with awe
decades self-sufficient
Calla unfolding, late spring


first flowers you gave me
now embraced by compost bin
heat stirs and transforms


guards discharged for good
I open the gates for you
heart pounds – hips unleash


image framed
honey man grips catch
chinook gasps


Gerard Sarnat


i. On 53rd Wedding Anniversary haiku

At times it’s truly 

simple as you are my girl

and I am your guy.


ii. Peets’ French Roast Half Decaf haiku

Not petering out 

so far, my first regular 

recurrent mailorder…


iii. My Net Net Non-Yiddish haiku

Flix plots that turn on

your deus ex machina

oy can disappoint.


iv. Tel Aviv’s Alexandria Hotel haiku 

I’ve reservations 

starting 6Nov24

if Trump’s elected.


Nicholas Klacsanzky


trail stones . . .
I count
my identities


adding a verse
to the Heart Sutra . . .
mosquito wings


spotted orchid . . .
the vows recited
a second time


sun shower . . .
my shadow a shadow 
of its former self


sedge warbler
thanks for letting me feature
on your album


closing my eyes
on the subway . . .
the unknown dead


Shai Afsai


stomach knotted tight,
head full of ache –
a workday begins


we run about
like dogs,
fouling the earth


halls fill with faces
of excitement and worry –
middle school, week one


branch-perched owl –

I meet its eyes and walk on,

our heads rotating


napping thoughtlessly

in afternoon sun,

pencil and paper put aside


tucked in a bed

of snow

the apple orchard sleeps


Roberta Gould


In praise of her smile
It equaled sun rise  I said
she’s died – where’s morning?


A red shouldered hawk 
surveys the expanse 
little birds stay away from 


The tree’s festive leaves 
tried to enter the parlor
A window stopped them


Old man how ardent
and handsome you were
when the alarm clock sounded


I eat two suns and potatoes
from an oval plate
at a bus stop


Was her mother rich
throwing out mice traps and all
or squeamish like me? 


Bengt O Björklund


late October sun
feeds the last flowers with light
the garden fire dies


raindrops on my face
as I watch wild geese fly south 
I’m on my way home


there’s a hidden truth
singing in the morning light
frogs and birds hear it


so many seagulls 
calling the cold rolling waves
by another name


suddenly the wind 
makes the dry bamboo rattle 
a dragonfly soars


bending morning light
I can tell the difference
of two men walking


Michelle V. Alkerton

white sun glows—
                her final breath
                d i s p e r s e s     in     air


single tear pools
on the edge of her life…
sudden stillness


speaking of the dead
our breaths blanket
cold fog


empty parking space
the boy spikes his football
off her memory


just that
a remembered fire
sparks in her eyes


polished stone—
smooth curves of her memory
rubbed in my palm


John Valentine


Hold on to the center.
– Lao-tzu


Isn’t it like running


into an early morning

spider web

and the more you

try to shake it loose,

the more it clings,

binds itself to your being?

Begin by doing nothing.

Does the wind rattle its bones

in desire?

Everything eases.

Take comfort in the spider who

weaves the silken strings

only as a means

to things themselves

and sits all day at his lyre


by the music of the wind.


The next Showcase at the zen space will be Spring 2023 which will be released, subject to karma, on 1st April 2023.

Please note that the copyright of all written work and images used in this Showcase and elsewhere in the zen space is held by the creating author/artist, even when not explicitly stated, and may not be used elsewhere without permission.


[Any advertisements etc. below this line, or inserted elsewhere in the zen space, are an unfortunate feature of the hosting platform, and are not the responsibility of the editor of the zen space. They should not be considered to have been endorsed by the zen space or by the editor personally.]

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