Summer 2018 Showcase

editorial picThis time I really am late – my bad! But better late than never, of course, and this week has galvanised me and others into action. I can’t speak for the others, but I have no idea whatsoever where I’m currently getting all my energy from – the weather here in Scotland has been making me lethargic. We’ve been having a major drought since May. Hardly a day’s rain has come our way. Those of you who know what a Scottish summer is like will be surprised at that, as the traditional joke is that one can tell what time of year it is in Scotland by the temperature of the rain. Warm rain denotes summer. Well, not this year.

Before I go any further, I must mention Arnie, the cat belonging to Doodlemum – Doodlemum, you will remember, provided the illustrations for the previous Showcase. Arnie, who had been fighting diabetes, died shortly after the Showcase was published. Doodlemum’s blog reported a cat-shaped hole in their lives. The loss of an animal companion (I never say ‘pet’) is remarkably hard to bear, sometimes, it seems, harder than the loss of a human friend. Why is that? Anyway, the Doodle household now has another feline resident (I won’t say ‘replacement’) by the name of Renee.

On to this Showcase. It is a mixed bag, and that’s good. Illustrations this time are the amazing photographs of Elan Mudrow. Many thanks to her! Elan notices things, and when she notices them, she photographs them. Posting them, she makes pithy comments. There is something momentary and alive about this process, but I am featuring them here entirely without captions, in order to leave impression and interpretation to you. In some cases I shall use a detail rather than the whole image. Visit her web pages if you wish to find out more.

Elan’s visual art is complimented this time by a set of photographic haiga by Bill Waters.

Next Showcase, I’m going to feature photography again, so please think about Photography/portraits/monochrome while you compose words for me. As always, I’m looking for new names to go alongside the regular contributors. Here’s a question for you: up to now I have not put any of my own work in the Showcase – should I?

Marie Marshall
the zen space


Surbhi Grover


the journey
to your heart
rose stems


we reminisce
our childhood
mud puddles


climbing out
the silver lining
turns orange


we switch off
all cockpit lights
star gazing


a deserted plot
flowers grow


a family of dogs
finds shelter-
an abandoned house

Alien intruder or just the shadow of a nerd?__________

Nikolay Grankin


spring again
i select the key
to an old lock


above a couple in love
the butterflies


abandoned farm
a gate is opened and closed
by the wind


emergency room
the scent of blooming lilacs remains
behind the door


in an old pond


so much noise!
in an old apple tree

small - Verb__________

Carl Chartier


There is only this day
There is only this hour
There is only this minute
There is only this second
There is only this moment

small - Grasp__________

Lucia Cardillo


broken lamp-posts…
the sleepless night moves
in the obscurity

lampioni rotti … nell’oscurità si muove  /la notte insonne


old madhouse …
leaves fall
on the wind sighs

vecchio manicomio …le foglie cadono /sui sospiri del vento


in the air
lightly a wish …
fluff of dandelions

fluttua nell’aria / leggero un desiderio … dente di leone 


a stray dog shakes away
the summer rain

arcobaleno … un cane scrolla via / pioggia d’estate


collected rain
in the road holes …
mirrored clouds

pioggia raccolta / nelle buche della strada… specchi di nuvole


already blooming in red
the pomegranate

promesse … già fiorito di rosso / il melograno

Bandaged [detail]__________

Ray Caligiuri


color the sky
golden harvest


stars shoot
over malibu beach
crime scene


loud ducks
file down the street
don’t cross them


kennel runs
two greyhounds
and a flashy poodle


awoke to find
the world lost


serenity now!
buddha laughs

Bridge over troubled ferns__________

Radostina Dragostinova


a morsel rainy afternoon
among the beggar’s coins


my perfectly arranged world
are gone


A habit

is reading poetry regularly.
It is the only way
she can meet every day


sunny morn
her red dress
reflecting in the window


open window theory
grandma explains
her marriage


incessant  storm
scattered away
Vivaldi’s “Summer” sheets


Robert Okaji



The low rumble says “look out, I’m coming,” but never specifies what to anticipate. Lightning strikes? Floods? High winds? Sometimes even the rain neglects us. Our pup hides under a blanket in her crate, and I contemplate a run to the store for beer and wine. Three years ago tornados were spotted in this area; they never touched our hills. The storm’s downdrafts bring us the fragrance of ozone. I marvel that three oxygen atoms combined in the atmosphere to produce such delight. How I remember inhaling deep draughts of summer storms in my childhood’s last years, watching thunderheads roll overhead, dreaming of victories and love and certainty, not yet knowing that desires change, that the unexpected always seizes its turn.

Under this roof
we smile at the clouds
our kettle whistling



Pain reminds me that I’m breathing, still able to appreciate the fragrance of French roast coffee brewing, the diced red pepper, onion and jalapeño mixture sizzling in the pan. Today is a good day. When I roll out the dough for the onion tart, the leg barely protests, and as I sip ginger tea while the tart bakes, no throb interrupts my pleasure.

Sometimes the hip shocks me with its barbed lance attack, or the knee rasps “not today, sonny,” and I grimace, concentrate on deliberate forward movement, one short step followed by another, into the kitchen or down the steps to the shack.

Music soothes, as does poetry, but occasionally the weight of the guitar is more than the leg can bear. Still, when I manage to lose myself in a tune or a few phrases, I drift in their currents, weightless, free.

Oh, to climb that hill
among those lost maples
Look — my shoe’s untied


Waiting for the Shakuhachi, I Practice with What I Have

The tone feels round on shorter bottles,
which more closely resemble my shape.
Longnecks pitch lower, while the emptied
pinot requires more controlled air flow.
My grooved fingers fumble in their
search for meaning. I know this silence,
but that one requires more study.

Cool air stumbles in
through the trees.
Ah, autumn’s return.

Every ridge felt


Mani Shanmugam


a begging bowl
full of holes
with me, with spider

Forest Rash__________

Marta Chocilowska


a lonely walk
searching for yesterday’s scent
of wild violets


sultry forest
the creak of my bicycle
breaks the silence


sweltering heat
a smoke over the landfill
maintains vertical


a letter from son
in a censored envelope
dandelion seeds


a sunbeam
pursuing the butterfly
shiny fur


path among lilacs –
two wheelchairs
side by side

small - Earthscape_________

Lori Ann Minor


never finding
the gray area
borderline personality


all my thoughts spinning spiderwebs


stuck on the bottom
of the seesaw
bipolar depression


withered vines
on the empty house


losing myself
in fun house mirrors


welcome mat
wiping their feet
all over me


Bill Waters



PartialEclipse_BillWaters ZenMind_BillWaters__________

There is no News section this time – it will return with the next Showcase.

The next Showcase at the zen space will be Autumn 2018 which will be released, subject to karma, on 1st October 2018.

Please note that the copyright of all written work and images used in this Showcase and elsewhere in the zen space is held by the creating author/artist, even when not explicitly stated, and may not be used elsewhere without permission.

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3 thoughts on “Summer 2018 Showcase

  1. Marta Chociłowska says:

    Thank you so much for including my poems, Mary! I feel so happy and honoured 🙂
    Have a nice Sunday 🙂
    Best wishes, marta

  2. […] first appeared in The Zen Space in July […]

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